Introduction to Wikidata in English and German
As part of our Sum of all Swiss GLAMs initiative, we are organizing free introductory courses to Wikidata in English and German. This initiative is supported by Wikimedia Switzerland. The course will be made available online so that as many participants as possible can join in. 7. September: 10:30 – 12:15 Introduction to Wikidata in […]
Wikidata Coffe Break July 22

Join us for a Wikidata Coffee Break and help fill in missing information on Swiss GLAM institutions. On each of the dates below, we will meet online on zoom for 20 minutes and add missing information on Wikidata. Monday, 18.7. 15:00Tuesday, 19.7. 15:00Thursday, 21.7. 10:00Friday, 22.7. 10:00 No previous knowledge or registration is necessary. Just […]
Swiss GLAMhack Awards 2018 – The Winners
What happens when heritage institutions such as museums, libraries and archives come together with software developers, researchers, Wikipedians and designers to investigate the potential of digital cultural heritage and more specifically of open cultural data? Some answers to this question have emerged during the yearly Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, which took place at the […]
GLAMhack 2018 – Sign up now!
Photo: Roland zh, CC BY-SA 3.0 (Wikimedia Commons) This year’s Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon takes place on 26-28 October 2018 at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich – in cooperation with the ETH Library, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, the Swiss Social Archives, the State Archives of the Canton of Zurich, the Basel Historical Museum, Wikimedia CH, […]
Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2017 – Project Presentations
The video recordings of this year’s project presentations are available (courtesy of To see the other videos, have a look directly at the page.
Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2017 – Registration is Open
Registration for the third Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon is open. This year’s event takes place on 15-16 September 2017 (some workshops starting on the 14 September already). It is hosted by the University of Lausanne and supported by the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne, by the Laboratoire de cultures et humanités digitales (LADHUL), […]
Archival Hackday in Zurich – Sign up now!
Sign up now for the Open Archival Hackday that will take place on Friday, 9th June at the Zurich Cantonal Archives. The event is organized by several archives of the Zurich region in cooperation with OpenGLAM CH and the Association of Swiss Archivists. For the programme & registration information, refer to the event page! The […]
Results of the Hackathon Participants‘ Survey 2016
The results of our Participants’ Survey for the 2016 edition have been published. As in the previous year, the hackathon has been a large success. According to the participants, it has been most effective in terms of networking, spurring and exchanging ideas, promoting access to cultural data, finding out how data can be used in […]
Impressions of the Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016
Infoclio has published videos of a series of interviews and of the project presentations of this year’s Open Cultural Data Hackathon, which took place at the Basel University Library on 1-2 July 2016. This is just a selection. The complete list of the videos can be found at the website, while the list of […]
Seit Januar stehen die urheberrechstfreien Digitalisate der UB Basel unter Public Domain. Sie dürfen ohne Rückfragen genutzt werden und stehen allen Hackern auch am Hackathon zur Verfügung. Insgesamt sind das über 25.000 verfügbare Objekte! Die Handschriften-Abteilung der UB hat einige Ideen, was man mit diesen Daten am kommenden Hacker-Wochenende machen könnte und freut sich, diese […]