Register Now for GLAMhack 24 in Lucerne!

Veröffentlicht von am Jun 27, 2024 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

Register now for the 10th edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, taking place in Lucerne from September 6-7, 2024. The event carried out in partnership with the Central and University Library Lucerne is an excellent opportunity for cultural institutions, software developers, digital humanists, artists, Wikipedians, and many more to come together and drive innovation in the heritage sector.

This year’s theme is “On the Move”. In preparation for the hackathon, we invite you to check out our datasets, submit a challenge, or contribute your institution’s data.

Workshop GLAM & Digital Humanities (5 Sept, Afternoon)

If you have time, join us already on 5 September 2024, in the afternoon, for our workshop on GLAM & Digital Humanities, in cooperation with DARIAH CH. 

Open GLAM Night (5 Sept, Evening)

On the eve of the hackathon, we invite you to celebrate with us the Open GLAM Night at Lucerne Neubad, with contributions from Mexican artists, a participatory performance of the Swiss Afro-Cuban artist Ivonne Gonzalez, and a kaleidoscope of “remarkable” Lucernese people.

The first part of the event will be live-streamed to one of the cinemas of the Complejo Cultural of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), our Mexican partner organization.

The OpenGLAM Night is open to the public and does not require registration. So don’t hesitate to bring your friends and loved ones and introduce them to the world of OpenGLAM (detailed program).
