WikiData for GLAM

As part of our Sum of all Swiss GLAMs initiative, we are organizing free introductory courses to WikiData for GLAM institutions. This initiative is supported by Wikimedia Switzerland. The courses in German will take place on location at the Berner Fachhochschule in Bern while the courses in English will take place online via MS Teams.
20. Oktober: 13:30 – 15:15
Einführung in WikiData für GLAM institutionen Teil 1
Deutsch, an der BFH (Brückenstrasse 73, 3005 Bern, Raum H031, EG Hauptgebäude)
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Grundlagen von WikiData für GLAM-Institutionen kennen und wie sie WikiData für Ihre Institution nutzen können. Anhand einfacher Übungen wird das Gelernte vertieft.
Inhalt des Kurses:
- Einführung in WikiData
- WikiData Syntax (RDF Triple)
- Einfaches Erfassen von Daten
- Einfache SPARQL-Abfragen
Es gelten die aktuellen Corona Regeln der BFH: GGG.
Kursleitung: Nicolai Wenger (BFH)
Anmeldung per email an:
27. Oktober: 17:30-19:15
Introduction to WikiData for GLAM institutions part 1
Englisch (online; MS-Teams)
In this course, you will learn the basics of WikiData for GLAM institutions and how you can use WikiData for your institution. Simple exercises are used to reinforce what you have learned.
- Introduction to WikiData
- WikiData syntax (RDF Triple)
- Simple data entry
- Simple SPARQL queries
The current Corona rules of the BFH apply: GGG.
Course leader Nicolai Wenger (BFH)
Registration by email to
10. November: 13:30 – 15:15
Einführung in WikiData für GLAM institutionen Teil 2
Deutsch, an der BFH (Brückenstrasse 73, 3005 Bern, Raum H031, EG Hauptgebäude)
In diesem Kurs lernen sie wie sie WikiData noch besser für Ihre Institution nutzen können. Falls Sie bereits Kenntnisse in WikiData haben können sie den Kurs auch ohne vorherigen Besuch des ersten Teiles besuchen.
Inhalt des Kurses:
- SPARQL Abfragen kreieren
- Einführung in Linked Open Data
- Batch upload
Es gelten die aktuellen Corona Regeln der BFH: GGG.
Kursleitung Nicolai Wenger (BFH)
Anmeldung per email an
17. November: 17:30-19:15
Introduction to WikiData for GLAM institutions part 2
Englisch (online; MS-Teams)
In this course, you will learn how to use WikiData even better for your institution. If you already have knowledge of WikiData, you can attend the course without having attended the first part.
Content of the course:
- Creating SPARQL queries
- Introduction to Linked Open Data
- Batch upload
Course leader Nicolai Wenger (BFH)
Registration by email to
GLAMhack 2021 – Creative and Fun Hacking
The 7th edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, carried out as an online event and organized with the help of the ETHZ Library, took place from April 16th to 17th. Over the span of two days, 17 new projects using cultural data were created. With about 75 active participants, the online event was a full success.
While we were sad that this year’s GLAMhack once again couldn’t be in person, the excitement of the GLAM community about the yearly Hackathon remained undeterred. The mood, atmosphere and collaborative spirit surpassed our (already high) expectations. It was great to see many familiar faces from past hackathons and many new ones. The results of this year’s hackathon are presented below:
helvetiX: An XR guide to Helvetia aims at providing an immersive Virtual Reality guide for any Roman merchant or legionary when travelling to ancient Helvetia. (In Latin, of course.) The project is based on the Peutinger Map, an illustrated itinerarium (ancient Roman road map) showing the layout of the cursus publicus, the road network of the Roman Empire.
The Collection Chatbot: Silverfish is an interactive chatbot which guides you through the collection of the Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte (Foundation for Art, Culture and History) and recommends objects based on user input. This creates a narration-driven experience of the collection. You can try the prototype on Telegram:
Another project dealt with The spatial evolvement of a Museums’ collection. The project maps the places of origins of the Museum der Kulturen Basel’s collection and thus gives an overview of the collecting habits of the museum over the past 121 years:
A walk through Zurich around 1910 lets you experience a stroll along Langstrasse based on the pictures of photographer Friedrich Ruef-Hirt (1873-1927). You can watch the video of the stroll online.
1971 and all that – Women’s Right to Vote in Switzerland analyzed relevant newspaper articles to see how the discourse around women’s suffrage changed over time.
Deploy Looted-Art Detector is an evolution of the Looted-Art Detector created at GLAMhack 2020 which helps find looted art in art collections. You can try it out here:
Another project from last year which was further developed was Culture In-Time 2. Using linked open data the project lets you discover past and future events.
The team around Nachtschicht 21 a 3D, Virtual Reality & Art Exhibition created a VR space with contemporary artworks by young swiss artists to accompany the gallery exhibition.
Wikidata Tutorial Factory is a website featuring Wikidata tutorials for heritage institutions. During the hackathon several tutorial scripts as well as tutorials in four languages were created.
Another project working with Wikidata and other Wiki projects was the WikiCommons metadata analysis tool which compares the metadata of the source system of a GLAM institution (e. g. E-Pics Image Archive Online) and Wikimedia Commons and lists the differences.
Archived-Data-Driver helps understand data by creating a tool that could run on open data providers‘ servers, but also on a local computer, which automatically generates an overview of the files, images and along with some summary statistics.
The Pellaton Experience is a project to map over sixteen hours of interviews with dance historian Ursula Pelleton in a non-linear way and to enrich it with supplementary information.
The St. Galler Globus is another project that wants to enrich existing material with digital solutions to make the Globus’ narratives and historical context accessible to a broader audience interested in “Scientainment”.
By Making digitised scores audible, one project made digital scores available in e-rara and other databases more accessible by creating audio files to not only read them, but also listen to them.
Another project using e-rara worked on making formulas in old scientific titles more readable and searchable. e-rara: Recognizing mathematical Formulas and Tables helps OCR (optical character recognition) to also transcribe the formulas.
heARTful – Art & Emotions lets people judge the emotions of people portrayed in paintings. The project also lets you see how other people judge the painting and gives additional information about the paintings and their authors.
The scene lives! The demoscene that is. An open dataset of demoscene production was created to showcase demoscene works from the beginning to current times.
These projects are at various stages of development, ranging from sketches to fully-fledged prototypes; we are curious to learn about their future development and are looking forward to next year’s GLAMhack.

GLAMHack 2021 Registration open!
The yearly Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon is a fun, collaborative and innovative event dedicated to our digital heritage.

About this Event
Once a year, the GLAMhack brings together data providers, software developers, digital humanists, artists, Wikimedians/Wikipedians, and others in order to experiment how cultural data and content can be used for research purposes, for web and mobile apps, in the context of Wikipedia, for artistic re-mixes, or for other forms of re-use. This year, our hackathon will take place online.
There will be an onboarding session on 9 April (evening) and an opening event with presentations, workshops and a poetry slam performance on April 15th.
Once a year, the GLAMhack brings together data providers, software developers, digital humanists, artists, Wikimedians/Wikipedians, and others in order to experiment how cultural data and content can be used for research purposes, for web and mobile apps, in the context of Wikipedia, for artistic re-mixes, or for other forms of re-use. This year, our hackathon will take place online.
Side & Pre-Programme
OpenGLAM Workshop Night
Tuesday, 13 April 2021, 17:00 – 19:00 CEST
Workshop on base registers and controlled vocabularies in the cultural heritage field
17:00 – 17:30 Audio Segmentation of Opera Recordings (in continuation of the Opera Forever project) Eduard Klein (BFH), Lukas Stuber, Michelle Schmid (students at BFH)
17:30 – 19:00 Workshop on base registers and controlled vocabularies in the cultural heritage field (follow-up of the workshop of 10 Sept. 2020) coordination: Thomas Hänsli, Florian Kräutli, Sarah Amsler (SARI – Swiss Art Research Infrastructure)
Thursday, 15 April 2021, 15:00 – 19:00 CEST
A series of presentations and panels as well as a poetry slam session will put you in the right mood for the hackathon, which will officially start on the next day.
15:00 – 15:30 Project Open Museum – Spanish Flu Selina Stuber, Maja Skrkic
15:30 – 16:00 Project Graph – Text reuse in rare books Meda Hotea (ETH Library), Maarten Delbeke, Benoit Seguin (ETH Zürich, D-ARCH, History and Theory of Architecture)
16:00 – 16:30 Object Recognition / Entity Extraction on Wikimedia Commons Yannick Burkhalter (Student at BFH)
16:30 – 17:00 Getting Started with IIIF Annabelle Wiegart, Elias Kreyenbuehl (Zurich Central Library), Nobutake Kamiya (University of Zurich)
17:00 – 17:15 Break
17:15 – 18:00 Panel: From Prototype to Product – How hackathon projects made their way into productive systems Panelists: Mathias Bernhard; Lionel Walter (Basel University Library); Michael Gasser (ETH Library); Moderator: Beat Estermann (OpenGLAM CH)
18:00 – 18:15 Poetry Slam performance by Lisa Christ
19:00 – 20:30 . Workshop with LODEPA
Hackathon Programme
Fri 16 April (all day): opening session, group formation, work on the hackathon projects in teams.
Sat 17 April (all day): Work on the hackathon projects in teams, final presentations of the projects.
The detailed programme will be published on our event page. There will be an onboarding session on 9 April (evening) and an opening event with presentations and a poetry slam performance on 15 April (afternoon and evening).
GLAMhack 2020 – an online success
The 6th edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, carried out as an online event, took place on 5 and 6 June 2020 and gathered people from all over the world! The teams worked on 15 exciting projects, which are shortly summarized here.

1914 in a Timeline puts newspaper articles from 1914 in relation with media contents of today. The historical articles are drawn from two newspapers from the Romandie (French-speaking part of Switzerland) and can be read either in French or German. Culture in Time is an event calendar using existing linked open data (LOD) on productions, venues and dates to feed both contemporary and historical data into a cultural calendar.
Europa meets Europe is an artistic project that connects the Jupiter moon Europa with the European continent through the help of APIs: random images from the NASA archive are overlaid pixel by pixel with current webcam images… in rhythm with the Jupiter Symphony by Mozart.
Art exhibitions, 1945-2020 visualizes art exhibitions with Switzerland related artists on a map. It allows you to filter by person, by group or solo show or by year. Another type of map is provided by the Swiss Name Chart, displaying the most common family names in a selection of Swiss cities.
Another team working with maps focussed on Georeferencing and linking digitized archival Documents. During the GLAMhack, they analyzed ways of georeferencing a historical map showing the network of Swiss postal connections back in 1851.
SwissAR is a compass, a cultural signpost, a fun tool to help you orientate yourself when you’re outdoors! This web app uses augmented reality to display relevant information about your surroundings.
Interactive Storytelling Across Generations is an educational project which uses old childrens‘ drawings for different kinds of digital learning scenarios. It creates a bridge between generations and encourages children to interact and activate their creativity.
MountainHunt and Match with the Mountains are both inspired by images of mountain landscapes in Graubünden provided by the Fundaziun Capauliana for the GLAMhack. While „Mountain Hunt“ invites users to search for the mountain depicted on a painting and replicate the same image, „Match with the Mountains“ is map displaying the districts of Graubünden and giving an overview of the local mountains.
One team worked on the creation of a Swiss GLAM inventory, comparing existing lists of heritage institutions and defining a model of collaboration between the Swiss National Library and the umbrella associations for each archives, libraries and museums.
Another team analyzed art provenance texts in order to Detect Looted Art. Using red flag names as well as key expressions, the team developed a system to automatically classify and rank art provenance texts according to their „suspiciousness“.
Sir Dridbot Glamhacker is a chatbot which was implemented on Slack, the real time collaboration platform used by the participants during the GLAMhack. You can ask Sir Dridbot Glamhacker for film recommendations or for open data sources.
One team worked on a prototype for the web application Extra Moenia which connects heritage institutions to the outdoors. The user can indicate preferences such as the topic, the distance or the duration of a tour to receive suggestions for outdoor itineraries.
Finally, a team of students in Multimedia Productions at the FHGR Chur gathered video material to produce a #GLAMhack Aftermovie. The film will combine interviews with the participants as well as recordings from the live sessions to document our existing online adventure! Stay tuned for the finished movie!
GLAMhack 2020 Side Events
In the context of this year’s Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, we have put together a rich side programme related to this edition’s main focus : linked open data, machine learning, human-computer-interaction and crowdsourcing. The side events are open to everybody, even if you can not attend the hackathon. GLAMhack attendees will receive the links to the online events via e-mail. If you are not attending the hackathon and want to join the side programme, please contact
Here is a summary of the side programme. You will find further details on the GLAMhack Event page.

Outputs of the #GLAMhack Anniversary
On 29 February, the Swiss National Library kindly hosted our celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. Around 40 participants gathered for a day of mutual inspiration and exchange, collective brainstorming and restrospecting.

Workshop on „Linked Open Data Ecosystem for Heritage Data“: We inspired ourselves from the data ecosystem approach in the field of the performing arts and discussed ways to transfer it to heritage data. The themes of the three workshops were: (1) Inventory of Swiss heritage institutions, (2) Interlinking of holdings (“archives at” in Wikidata) and (3) Linked data in the context of heritage data platforms: data provision and semantic search. The results of the workshop are documented here.
Retrospective of the past GLAMhack Editions: has documented our events and the hackathon projects from the very start! Now they have set up a page with all the videos. Check it out! Our friend @sodacpr presented a visualisation of the datasets that were released for the GLAMhacks. He selected everyday objects with a weight corresponding to the „gigabyte-weight“ of the datasets.

Brainstorming Session for the up-coming GLAMhack: in view of the next Hackathon (4-6 June in Chur), the participants put their heads together in order to formulate ideas for projects and challenges. This resulted in 12 project ideas which we hope will be further pursued during the Hackathon. If you are curious to know more or interested in joining a project, you can simply write it in this document.
Once again, we thank our host, the moderators and all the participants for this inspiring day!
#GLAMhack2020 Registration open!!

You can now register for this year’s Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. Registration is open until 22 May 2020. We are happy to be hosted by the Swiss Institute for Information Science at the FHGR Chur, in collaboration with the Institute for Multimedia Production. The main Hackathon will take place on Friday and Saturday, while we will propose some workshops and a guided tour of the Digitization Lab of the FHGR on the Thursday. You will find more details and updates on the event page.
#GLAMhack 5th Anniversary – 29 February 2020
On Saturday, 29 February 2020, we will celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon at the National Library in Bern. On this occasion, we are organizing two workshops and a short retrospective. Depending on the participants, the workshops will be held in English or in French and German.
Participation is free of charge and open to anybody interested. For practical reasons, we kindly ask you to register here.
- 10h-12h Workshop: Linked Open Data Ecosystem for Heritage Data (details below)
- 12h-13h Lunch Break
- 13h-14h Retrospective of the first 5 editions of the #GLAMhack
- 14h-16h Workshop: Challenges for the #GLAMhack2020 (details below)

Workshop: Linked Open Data Ecosystem for Heritage Data
During the workshop, we will take inspiration from the Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts to guide our thoughts about the development of a linked open data ecosystem for heritage data. After an introduction to the data ecosystem approach, we will work in three thematic groups to discuss the next steps in view of the establishment of a Linked Open Data Ecosystem for Heritage Data in Switzerland.
Theme 1: Inventory of Swiss heritage institutions
Moderated by: Heike Bazak (VSA) and Matthias Nepfer (NB)
Theme 2: Interlinking of holdings (“archives at” in Wikidata)
Moderated by: Michael Gasser (ETH-Bibliothek) and Lothar Schmitt (ZB Zürich)
Theme 3: Linked data in the context of heritage data platforms: data provision and semantic search
Moderated by: Bernd Uttenweiler (ETH-Bibliothek) and Beat Estermann (BFH)
Workshop: Challenges and project ideas for the #GLAMhack2020
In view of the 2020 edition of the #GLAMhack (4-6 June at the FHGR in Chur), we propose a collective brainstorming session to try and formulate some interesting challenges. If you already have a specific project idea, this is the opportunity to present it, get feedback and find people to work with. The main focus of the hackathon will lie on Linked Open Data, Machine Learning, Human-Computer-Interaction and Crowdsourcing.
mix’n’hack 2019 – results
Once again, we are happy to present the results of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, which was this year organised in collaboration with Museomix and thus entitled „mix’n’hack 2019“.
Back to the Greek Universe is a web application that allows users to explore the ancient Greek model of the universe in virtual reality so that they can realize what detailed knowledge the Greeks had of the movement of the celestial bodies observable from the Earth’s surface. The model is based on Claudius Ptolemy’s work, which is characterized by the fact that it adopts a geo-centric view of the universe with the earth in the center. Check it out!
Collaborative Virtual Museum for All Senses (CoViMAS) is an extended virtual museum which engages all senses of visitors. It is a substantial upgrade and expansion of the GLAMhack 2018 project “Walking around the Globe” and aims to provide a collaborative environment for multiple visitors in the virtual museum.
Opera Forever is an online collaboration platform and social networking site to collectively explore large amounts of opera recordings. The platform allows users to tag audio sequences with various types of semantics, such as personal preference, emotional reaction, specific musical features or technical issues.
TimeGazer is a time-traveling photo booth enabling you to send greetings from historical postcards. Based on the “Postcards from Valais (1890 – 1950)” dataset, consisting of nearly 4000 historic postcards of Valais, the project team created a prototype for a Mixed-Reality photo booth.
Human Name Creativity is a continuation of the GLAMhack 2018 project „Dog Name Creativity“, working this time with a dataset from the swiss post which provides the top 5 names from each postal code.
You can read more about the projects on the individual project pages. The links are gathered here.