8th Swiss Open Cultural Hackathon in collaboration with the SUPSI in Mendrisio.

Opendata, performing arts, biodiversity!
This year’s 8th Swiss Open Cultural Hackathon is bringing together hackers, GLAMmers, coders, curious, artists, architects, design aficionados, biologists, scientists and all people interested, caring and passionate about all things GLAM!
We will spend 2-2.5 wonderful days at the SUPSI in Mendrisio and will have the University’s FabLab at our disposal.
The GLAMHack22 official program starts on Friday, but we’ll have networking and workshop opportunities ready from Thursday, November 3rd afternoon onwards.
Sleeping arrangements are possible at the Hotel Coronado in Mendrisio (please specify how many nights you’ll need when signing up, all rooms are shared).
SHARE YOUR DATA in view of the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon
You may own cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at the infosheets and if you have any questions, feel free to contact beat.estermann@openglam.ch.
GLAMHack2022 Pre-Event

Workshop Day on Open/FAIR Natural History Data
On September 20th we’ll have a Workshop Day on Open/FAIR Natural History Data at the Natural History Museum in Bern.
The workshop day is intended for curators, managers, and users of natural history collections in Switzerland. It serves as a forum to draw up an overview of the current situation regarding data management and digitization in Swiss institutions and sets the collections and their data in the wider context of the emerging ecosystem of open/FAIR natural history data with its various infrastructures, stakeholders, initiatives, usage scenarios, value-added services, and governance structures.
The workshop day is a pre-event of the GLAMhack 2022, organized by the OpenGLAM working group of the Opendata.ch association, hosted by the Natural History Museum of Bern and supported by Plazi.org and the eBioDiv Project, in cooperation with SwissCollNet and Infofauna.
Date: Tuesday, 20 Sept. 2022
Time: 09:15 – 17:00
Place: Natural History Museum of Bern
What else….
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Check out our make.wiki.openglam space or our website.
Check out our open GLAM Newsletter and Opendata.ch Newsletter.