GLAMHack 2021 Registration open!

Veröffentlicht von am Mrz 24, 2021 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

The yearly Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon is a fun, collaborative and innovative event dedicated to our digital heritage. Sign up here About this Event Once a year, the GLAMhack brings together data providers, software developers, digital humanists, artists, Wikimedians/Wikipedians, and others in order to experiment how cultural data and content can be used for […]

GLAMhack 2020 – an online success

Veröffentlicht von am Jun 8, 2020 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

The 6th edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, carried out as an online event, took place on 5 and 6 June 2020 and gathered people from all over the world! The teams worked on 15 exciting projects, which are shortly summarized here. 1914 in a Timeline puts newspaper articles from 1914 in relation […]

GLAMhack2020 Live Stream

Veröffentlicht von am Jun 5, 2020 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

Follow the GLAMhack 2020 through the YouTube Channel of the FHGR! SATURDAY live stream FRIDAY live stream

GLAMhack 2020 Side Events

Veröffentlicht von am Mai 27, 2020 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

In the context of this year’s Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, we have put together a rich side programme related to this edition’s main focus : linked open data, machine learning, human-computer-interaction and crowdsourcing. The side events are open to everybody, even if you can not attend the hackathon. GLAMhack attendees will receive the links to […]

Outputs of the #GLAMhack Anniversary

Veröffentlicht von am Mrz 11, 2020 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

On 29 February, the Swiss National Library kindly hosted our celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. Around 40 participants gathered for a day of mutual inspiration and exchange, collective brainstorming and restrospecting. Workshop on „Linked Open Data Ecosystem for Heritage Data“: We inspired ourselves from the data ecosystem approach […]

#GLAMhack2020 Registration open!!

Veröffentlicht von am Feb 25, 2020 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

You can now register for this year’s Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. Registration is open until 22 May 2020. We are happy to be hosted by the Swiss Institute for Information Science at the FHGR Chur, in collaboration with the Institute for Multimedia Production. The main Hackathon will take place on Friday and Saturday, while […]

#GLAMhack 5th Anniversary – 29 February 2020

Veröffentlicht von am Dez 19, 2019 in Allgemein | Ein Kommentar

On Saturday, 29 February 2020, we will celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon at the National Library in Bern. On this occasion, we are organizing two workshops and a short retrospective. Depending on the participants, the workshops will be held in English or in French and German. Participation is free […]

mix’n’hack 2019 – results

Veröffentlicht von am Sep 24, 2019 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

Once again, we are happy to present the results of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon, which was this year organised in collaboration with Museomix and thus entitled „mix’n’hack 2019“. Back to the Greek Universe is a web application that allows users to explore the ancient Greek model of the universe in virtual reality so […]

Sign Up Now!

Veröffentlicht von am Jun 21, 2019 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

Registration for the upcoming Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon is open! Don’t forget to tell your friends! This year’s hackathon will take place on 6-8 September 2019 at the brand new cultural center Les Arsenaux in Sion. This year’s edition is a collaboration with and will combine the make-a-thon approach of Museomix with our […]

GLAM mix’n’hack Pre-Event – 5 June 2019, Sion

Veröffentlicht von am Mai 13, 2019 in Allgemein | Keine Kommentare

Come and meet the members of OpenGLAM and Museomix during an apéromix dedicated to open culture. This year, the two associations are joining forces to organize a new event, a mix’n’hack at the crossroads of makeathon and hackathon, to imagine innovative ways to promote open data in Switzerland, around the theme of pluralism. Makers, coders, […]

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