GLAM mix’n’hack 2019

6-8 September 2019, Les Arsenaux, Sion

This year’s Open Cultural Data Hackathon is a collaboration with, an open community of innovation, culture, and technology enthusiasts. We are looking forward to an exciting combination of the makeathon approach of Museomix aiming at the creation of interactive prototypes with our hackathon format working with open data from Swiss heritage institutions.

The event takes place on 6-8 September 2019 at the brand new cultural center Les Arsenaux in Sion, as part of the inauguration celebrations. The Médiathèque Valais, the State Archives and Cantonal Museums are our hosting partners. Further partners include Wikimedia CH and infoclio.

Photo: Dominic Steinmann.

The GLAMmix’n’hack brings together data providers and mediators, software developers and digital humanists, artists and Wikimedians/Wikipedians, scientists and other interested people in order to experiment how cultural data and content can be used for research purposes, for web and mobile apps, in the context of Wikipedia, for artistic re-mixes or other forms of re-use.

In order to give the mix’n’hack a uniform character, we have defined a main topic: PLURALISM. The theme is inspired by the pluridisciplinary approach of the Arsenaux. The participants are completely free to interpret this theme as they see fit. Some groups might try to combine a plurality of datasets in their project, others will perhaps investigate the linguistic pluralism of databases in Switzerland. Of course, pluralism can also be integrated through the thematic contents of the datasets. This is why we encourage institutions to identify contents which are thematically related to pluralism, either explicitly or in a broader sense.

If you are interested in participating as a data provider, please look at these infosheets: German / French. Please contact us if you need any help or advice.

For more detailed information about the event, please visit our project page.

Photo: Laurent Miranda.

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